Traceabilty Services

Merit-Trax Technologies prides itself in being recognized among the leaders
within the field of food processing and value chain traceability.

Our President Michael Miskin, and Merit-Trax, have received recognition
in industry publications, and from governments, and industry associations.

Merit-Trax Technologies has received numerous awards for technological innovation,
improving productivity and implementing data collaboration in value chains.

We offer our expertise for food traceability systems, not only through our software,
but also as consultants. If your operation is in need of an overview for
where you stand with regards to traceability needs, we can be of assistance to you.

Please contact us for further details.

From Trace and R&D 2009:

Michael Miskin
Merit-Trax Technologies Inc. 
Michael Miskin has more than 10 years of experience in the implementation of
traceability services and solutions. He was instrumental in the development
of the traceability system at Atlantic Beef Products and working
on traceability solutions for the Ontario Veal Association
and the Ontario Corn Fed Beef Program.

Get In Touch

For further information on our software and services, please visit our software page, or you can contact us

for information or to schedule an online demo.


7000 Cote de Liesse Road, #200 

St-Laurent, QC, 

Canada H4T 1E7


Tel: (514) 736-1996

Toll-Free: 1 (866) 736-1996

Fax: (514) 736-2679


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