TRAX-IT 3PL Warehouse Management Software is a powerful business management tool
for small to medium size cold storage operators. The software will enhance
your existing business processes, because Merit-Trax can customize it,
so that you do not have to change your business processes to suit the software.
The TRAX-IT 3PL Warehouse Management Software can perform traditional 3PL functions, including:
The TRAX-IT 3PL Warehouse Management Software can also perform value added functions,
which can expand the services that you can offer to your meat industry customers, including:
Our software helps to meet FSMA and SFCR requirements.
The FDA has finalized and integrated seven major rules to implement FSMA,
recognizing that ensuring the safety of the food supply is a shared responsibility
among many different points in the global food supply chain.
The FSMA rules are designed to make clear specific actions that
must be taken critical points to prevent contamination and ensure easier traceability.
The Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR) were designed to improve
food product quality and safety for Canadian customers. To be licensed,
companies must have a rigorous food safety program based on
the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) methodology.
These food safety regulations are continually being updated and having boosted rules added to be enforced.
When it comes to the food business and consumers, they want to know
that they can trust the companies that are supplying the public.
Not only is having software that meets traceability and regulation requirements a way
to establish that consumer confidence, but it is also bottom line proficient
in helping you make the best production decisions to maximize potential profit and proficiency.
TRAX-IT software uses our award-winning traceability technology in innovative ways
to improve operations and inventory management for catch weight products and
products which need to be tracked by attributes such as
production date, best before date, brand, etc.
Click here for a list of integrated software
3PL warehouses run their operations smoother, quicker and more efficiently
because our software is custom fitted to their needs
making it intuitive, simple to learn, and easy to use.
Click this link if you would like to see a list of Frequently Asked Questions with Responses
Get In Touch
For further information on our software and services, please visit our software page, or you can contact us
for information or to schedule an online demo.
7000 Cote de Liesse Road, #200
St-Laurent, QC,
Canada H4T 1E7
Tel: (514) 736-1996
Toll-Free: 1 (866) 736-1996
Fax: (514) 736-2679
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